Heavy metals in tampons - should you be concerned?
A recent study by UC Berkeley analyzed 30 different tampon brands and found heavy metals in every one! Let’s dive into the details today. I also share products I like...
It’s no secret that many feminine care products harbor chemicals we’d rather not have near our most sensitive areas. Tampons, in particular, can introduce toxins like phthalates and glyphosate, which may not only disrupt the vaginal microbiome but also be absorbed into the body.
This may shock you, but I’ve heard from countless clients who noticed improvements in symptoms like menstrual cramps and recurring vaginal infections once they started paying attention to what’s in their tampons.
Key Areas of Concern:
Conventional Cotton
While most tampons today are now made from cotton or a cotton-rayon blend rather than synthetic fibers like polyester, it’s important to consider what kind of cotton you’re using. Conventional cotton is often heavily treated with pesticides, including glyphosate—found in a staggering 85% of tampons.1 Just as pesticides can disrupt our gut microbiome (the friendly microbes inside our gut that keep us healthy), they can similarly affect the vaginal microbiome. For instance, if you’ve ever dealt with thrush after a round of antibiotics, you’ve experienced how wiping out beneficial bacteria allows opportunistic ones like candida to overgrow - causing thrush. Pesticides may cause similar issues, albeit at lower doses. This is why I believe choosing organic cotton is important.
I remember the days when TV ads promoted scented pads and tampons as the latest innovation in women’s health. But “fragrance” is a vague term that can mask a cocktail of toxic ingredients, such as phthalates, which are linked to hormone disruption, allergies, asthma, neurotoxins, and even carcinogens.2 Using scented sanitary products can lead to irritation, itching, and burning—not to mention the potential for these toxins to enter our bloodstream and wreak havoc on our hormones.
Opt for fragrance-free products instead.
And What About Heavy Metals?
A recent study published in Environment International set off alarm bells by revealing that 100% of the 30 tampons tested, from 14 different brands across the US, EU, and UK, contained heavy metals like lead.3
Lead is particularly concerning because the EPA has stated that there are NO safe levels of lead for children and that lead exposure can be harmful to human health even at low levels.4
Lead, a toxic metal, can accumulate in the body over time, particularly if our exposure exceeds the natural detox capacity of our body’s systems (and this is why I created my signature course, Detox Right to help you optimize your detox pathways).
Other heavy metals like mercury and aluminum can contribute to oxidative stress and DNA changes in petri dish studies. Mercury, in particular, is a neurotoxin; while arsenic have been linked to certain cancers. It's clear that we need to be mindful of our daily exposure to heavy metals.
But should we be concerned about heavy metals in tampons?
Here are the key questions that I find most pressing:
How easily are heavy metals absorbed through the vagina from tampons into our bloodstream?
Are the concentrations found in tampons high enough to be worrisome?
Have any studies shown that these metals can impact the vaginal microbiome?
Are there brands that ensure their products are free of heavy metals?
This nuanced, science-based conversation just wouldn’t fly on Instagram, where fear-mongering often takes center stage, that’s why I am moving my deep dives here for those of you who appreciate nuance and science. Here’s my take ⬇️